Monday, November 08, 2004

A milestone

Originally uploaded by BlockHD57.

Every so often, those milestones in life happen and you want to record them for posterity. A personal milestone happened yesterday. My car, my first car that I ever owned outright, hit 100,000 miles! Now that is something that doesn't happen every day. So, here is a picture and an entry in my blog to lock this occasion into my vault of memories.

My trusty Honda Accord turned to 100,000 while I was driving home from a conference in Washington DC. I was on I-95 outside of Baltimore to be exact.

Now you have to understand that while driving, I get caught up in the numbers game and the odometer reading. I look for those occasions when there is a fun pattern of numbers, or when I hit a special number on the drive itself.

For instance, during long drives I make things more exciting by having 100-mile parties. These parties usually involve honking the horn, playing a special song full blast on the radio, or treating myself to a candy I have stashed in my bag. The larger the number, the bigger the party (just ask Kathryn what we did for our 500 mile party while road tripping to Vanderbilt our senior year of college). So you can imagine how big a party I wanted to have for such a large number this time around.

A toot of the horn, a picture while driving (ok. . . I know, not really safe to do. . . but I was only going 70!) a call to my sister. . . and a stop for fries and a shake soon after. But also with this little celebration I thought about the bigger picture.

This little occasion has helped me reflect and realize that I have taken this little car of mine for granted over the years. 100,000 miles and running fine. A dream car for me: low maintenance. Truly amazing when I think about it. Very rarely has this car given me angst, robbed my wallet, or prevented me from going about my normal day and my normal driving routine. Nor do I see that changing any time soon. 100,000 miles and going strong.

Thank you little car.


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