News from Iraq
Originally uploaded by BlockHD57.
Happy day! I got a call from Rich today from Baghdad letting me know that he has arrived and all is well. It was so wonderful to hear his voice and to sense the energy in his tone. I got the feeling that he is in good spirits due to the fact that he had me laughing in the very first minute of our conversation. "I have some good news," he said. "Great, what is it?" I replied thinking that the orders were messed up and he is coming home sooner than planned. His reply, "I just saved a lot of money by switching to GEICO!" Yep, this is the man I love. What a goofball!
I am so thankful to have heard from him, so thankful to know that he has access to a satellite phone, and so thankful that he has logged on to his computer and Internet is working well too. So it looks as if there are all kinds of communication sources in our favor. THIS will help make the time go by much faster.
So he is over there and I am over here. Separated by thousands of miles but still connected and each attempting to be a rock for the other to depend on. I am just glad that my rock has a sense of humor about him!
And in honor of Rich's arrival and start of his tour I wanted to share this picture of the two of us with him in uniform. It was taken on August 31st. The first person to figure out what is "wrong" or outdated in this picture wins a prize. (Rich, you can't play cause I am quite confident you know). Any guesses?