Monday, December 20, 2004


It's f-f-fr-freezing! It is officially winter in Ithaca and pretty darn cold. Latest reading is 1 degree. . . . but it feels like -14 degrees with the wind chill. Wowzers, that is cold! "Colder than a witch's navel," my Dad would say. But Dad, just how cold is a witch's navel, and how would you know? Ah, the important questions in life I never got to ask him while he was around.

It snowed about 6-7 inches in my back yard yesterday. It was quite the winter storm. We managed to shovel ourselves out of the winter whiteness and I started out to the mall to do some last minute Christmas shopping. About 15 minutes into my drive to the mall and having only traveled 3 miles, I started to ask myself, "What am I doing? Its Sunday, the roads are bad, only the crazy people are out in the cold. Why am I going to the mall?" It was then that I turned around and headed for the warmth of home. Christmas presents can wait.

So, given the weather situation, it looks like this neck of the woods is gonna have a white (and chilly) Christmas. Thank goodness I will be in Florida! You know, I love white Christmases and all, but this year I do not think the powder will be missed.


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