Book Tag. . . my turn
Sigh. . . I have been "tagged" by Gregg to answer the following questions on my blog. While I grumble in answering these questions regarding my reading habits, I do thank Gregg for giving me something to post on my blog. I have been a lousy "poster" as of late.
1) What is the total number of books I've owned? A hard first question. My answer: a lot. I love books. I love collecting them. I love having bookcases full of them. My dream is to have a library in my house with one of those sliding ladders to reach the top part of the collection. Cool. Very cool.
2) What is the last book I bought? The Second Summer of the Sisterhood. For more information, read on. . .
3) What is the last book I've read? Second Summer of the Sisterhood. Too cute. Its the second in the series of books that started with Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (now a movie staring my favorite coming of age actresses: Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls). It is a fun read about the bonds of friendship and the dynamics of mother daughter relationships. Yes, I know, the target audience is for girls ages 13-16. But hey, I work at a summer camp, don't I? I have to be in touch with what young girls are reading today. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can write off the expense of the book for tax purposes. . . .
4) What are the 5 books that have meant a lot to me? First You Have To Row a Little Boat (a great commentary on sailing and life), Hinds Feet on High Places (a book about Christian Faith that I read when I was 19 and helped form my adult understanding of Christianity), The Bible (how can it not be on this list?), The Notebook (a moving love story set in one of my favorite towns), The Missing Piece (a Shel Silverstien story with lessons for both kids and adults).
BONUS: what book would you wish to buy next? Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood. Its summer and I am looking forward to seeing what these girls do next.
Thanks for the questions, Gregg. And I choose to end this game of tag. No need to pass this on.